
The Committee is comprised of elected officers and ordinary members, appointed at the AGM to serve from November to November. The Hon President and Vice-Presidents can only be contacted through the Chairman or Hon. Secretary.

Hon President: Stephen Crisp

Vice-Presidents: Michael Franklin, Anne Lowe, Jean Marr, John Marshall, Ken Murrell, Gill Read, Joan Rees Phillips

Committee Officers

Chairman: Caroline Broome (020 8444 2329) (

Vice Chairman: Vacancy

Hon. Secretary: Gladys McLeod * (020 8455 2656) (

Show Secretary: Vacancy

Events Secretary: Diane Berger * (020 8455 0455)

Membership Secretary: David Broome (020 8444 2329)

Newsletter Editor: Marjorie Harris * (020 8455 6507)

Press and Publicity Secretary: Marjorie Harris * (020 8455 6507)

Treasurer: Jeremy Clynes ACMA (020 8455 4271) (

Committee Members

Ruth Beedle (Allotments representative)
Michelle Handler
Sandra Handley *
Pauline Murphy *
Yvonne Oliver *
Sue Williams

* Members of the Show Committee